Using onEdit trigger on Google Spreadsheets to send Firebase Cloud Messaging notification to Android apps
Normally apps use database and a backend to operate. Here I'd like to share another way of using Google Sheets as a database to replace SQL, Mongo and the likes. It is not very customizable or extendable but it is a very good way to prototype or for small scale services or internal tools. Whenever a change happens on the sheets, the app gets a notification so it can re-poll the sheets to get new data. Using Google Sheets as a Database Overview What is needed for this to work. Google account, Google Sheets file. Created Firebase project. Created android app and registered to use FCM. The app has access rights to the Google Sheets to read its contents. Reading a Google Sheets file has been covered many times before so I will just refer you to one of them here . Flow of the application Someone in charge of the data will make changes to the Google Sheets file and finally when everything is done, he/she will modify a single cell that acts as the "Apply button...