This is an interactive installation that aims to combine learning words and fun in devising strategies to gather letters. Collect letters to complete the word The letters are dangling at various locations, and only the yellow colored characters can collect them. But these characters cannot jump that high, so players need to put blocks as stepping stones to help these cute yellow fellas to reach the letters. The blocks are generated by touching the screen (wall) and can be removed by touching it again. System overview The system is simply a projector and a laser range finder to detect touches on the wall. You may realize the black object in the photo above at the top of the wall. This is the laser range finder and for this project I used Hokuyo's UST10-LX. Content is developed with Unity. How the touch detection works Readings from the sensor This image is the visualization of the data points detected. With the sensor placed on top of the wall looking down, ...
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